Thursday, September 26, 2019

Story Laboratory Week 6 Tech Tip

Tech Tip-- Twine

So I have never done this before--so I am excited! I am really glad I don't have to write code for it though! I am not that tech-savvy so even this non-code writing version was hard. I had a hard time trying to create a new passage. But I wrote about things that were on my mind-- A long work shift. I just got off work so it was nice to let off steam this way.

I still had a hard time navigating this site with clear instructions, so I necessarily would not do it again. It is all my fault. I have always been the worst with computers. They make my head hurt too so I have never hard much reason to get better. I wasn't the kid who played video games all day long for sure.
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A desktop computer

Twine would be fun to use playing bored in class. Also, I would like to use it as maybe a presentation. It would switch things up more than a powerpoint. It would be more fun and interactive for sure!

Extra Credit Reading- week 5


The Two Brothers: Part One

There were two brothers- Anpu and Bata. Anpu was married and his brother lived with them. Bata worked the field during the day and Anpu made garments. Anpu's wife started flirting with Bata so he left. When he returned for the day she was sick because he turned her down. 
The Two Brothers: Part Two

Anpu was going to murder Bata. Bata saw Anpu with the danger and escaped. They next saw each other on opposite sides of the river. Ra came down to make peace and Anpu learned what actually happened. Anpu killed his wife and fed her to the dogs. Bata went to acacia. Bata married.
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The Two Brothers: Part Three

Bata's wife went to walk by the acacia and a sea spirit took some of her hair. The chief washer found the hair and the King desired to find her. When he found her they cut don the acacia where Bata's soul was so he died. For three years Anpu looked for his soul. 
The Two Brothers: Part Four

Bata as a bull and Anpu went to find his wife. His wife was with the king and she had him get the bull's liver. Bata survived. So she had all the Persea trees cut down. She had a baby and Bata became him. After the king died, he took over the throne and had his mom tried.
The Book of Thoth: Part One

Merab studied all the time. A priest made fun of him for doing something so worthless. So he showed him readings worth reading and the priest told him about the book of Thoth. He went to Greece to find it. 
The Book of Thoth: Part Two

With a priest of Isis, they made a boat. The boat took him to the book in Koptos. An immortal snake fought them. He wrote down all the spells in a magical way. 
The Book of Thoth: Part Three

The loss of his book made Thoth angry. SO Ra killed Nefer Ka ptah's kid and had his dead body tell him what he had done wrong. Then Ra killed his wife. Angry, he decided that Thoth would not get the book back. He tied the book around himself so when thoth killed him he would still have the book.  
The Tale of King Rhampsinitus

The king was really rich. He hid all his wealth and then his builder died but told his sons the secret of how to get nto the palace. The sons went and stole everything. So RHampsinitus set a trap. One brother was going to die because of the trap and saved his brother. The palace put his body on display to find out who was the person who died. His mom wanted revenge so he got the guards drunk. Then the robber stole the princess. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Week Five Reading

Ancient Eygpt 


In the beginning, there was a world of wastewater named Nu. He first was born as an egg. He created other gods-- first was Shu the wind god. Then he made Seb the earth god and the Nut the goddess of Firmament. This couple became the parents of Osiris, Iris, Set, and Nepthys. Ra initiated creation. Ra made himself king.
The Secret Name of Ra

Ra had a secret name where all his power was stored. Isis lived among men and wanted to live with the Gods/ SHe wanted to know Ra's secret name so she could escape. Ra grew old. Ra made a snake out of his spit and set the snake in his path. The serpent stung him. He knew he was going to die so he gathered his kids. Isis came and she asked for his secret name. He told her that he is Khepera at dawn, Ra at high noon, and Tum at dust. SH wants to know his actual name so he said that is what he intended. She found what it was and removed the venom from his body.
Ra and Hathor

People were talking bad about Ra, so he assembled the Gods. He called his dad Nu over. He was very angry about it. Hathor asked for more. Nu and Shu gave Ra more power so they could control man, 
The Sun's Journey

Ra made everyone seek forgiveness. Shu and Nu returned to the heavens. Ra then made Thoth with his words. When he Tum, he is weak because it is night. He goes into the underworld at this time. He is reborn at the 12th hour. At dawn, Nu pulls him out of the dawn. 
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Osiris brought in a new age with good laws. He taught them how to worship. He would travel between heavens and earth. When he was gone Isis reigned over the earth. She was stronger than set so he tried to take over her. 
The Death of Osiris

Osiris came back and set was ready to take over. Set attacked him when they were celebrating. He ended the days of Osiris. He then took over as king. Isis escaped to a poor woman's house.
The Journey of Isis

Isis gave birth to her son Horus. Set found out where they were. A scorpion bit Horus and he died. Thoth came down to help and brought him back t life. They found out where the coffin of Osiris was. Iris was a bad mom. She hid the coffin of Osiris but it was swallowed by a fish. She had to find all of the pieces. 
King of the Dead

Set persecuted followers of Osiris and Iris. There were wars about it. Thoth came down to restore the peace and healed Horus and Set. 
The Wax Crocodile

A pharaoh went to the temple of God Ptah. A handsome youth followed him.  A crocodile appeared to him and carried the young man to the Pharaoh.  Then it was revealed that it was wax. So he killed the wife of the scribe. 
The Green Jewel

The king wanted entertainment. So they brought virgins and the king got excited. The girls were roaring and a green jewel fell into the water.  The chief scribe muttered a spell and found the jewel. The chief scribe was rewarded for it. 

Friday, September 20, 2019

Week 5 Story

Life can be Hard But 

Each day, I drive to work. My wife drives to work in the other direction. Our kids put themselves on the bus and spend two hours at home, doing their homework, until one of us returns. Our lives revolve around providing for our two kids. We haven't taken a trip since our honeymoon and get very little time together. I just want a break. I don't even know who my kids are becoming because I never spend time with them. 

When I make my commute to work, I always pass a fishing pond. I used to fish when I was young with my dad and it is where we really bonded. I hoped to take my kids with me soon, but I'd have to brush up on my skills first before I tried to teach them. 
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A Pond with Fish

One day, I got off an hour early from work so I decided to try fishing out again. I pulled into the small little pond, got out my fishing pole and sat down on the bench. My first try I throw the cast out and reel in a stick. It sucks, but I can try again. I throw another cast out. Thinking I have a bite, I reeled it in again, but this time it is a plastic garbage bag. Confused, I try again. This time the same thing happens, but instead, I reel in a little pot. This pot, I open it and a blue man jumps out. 

The blue man was aggressive, angry from being held captive. I asked him for his story. He replied, " I am a prisoner to that pot. I have been trapped for years. Your kind always leaves me places where no one will find me for ages after they have used my powers." 

Sensing his incoming tantrum, I say; "What kind of powers? Tell me about your strengths." Giving him the opportunity to boost himself, instantly calming him. 

He then reveals he is a genie, with great power but enslaved by the owner. I reply, "Give me a life of more leisure and less stress so I can spend more time with my family, and I will set you free." 

This calms the genie. He finally saw a chance for freedom and he took it. Agreeing almost instantly, he granted my wish. Moments later, I got a call from work, saying I got a raise- the new position meant fewer hours and more money. My wife called a few moments after that and told me she got a similar offer. Happily, I set the genie free and started dreaming of the new freedom we both found.

Author's Note

I based this slightly off of The Story of the Fisherman. I updated the story and also gave more insights on why he was fishing which was unnecessary to the original. I also changed the genie slightly. The fisherman's genie is homicidal but this genie is more like a toddler without a nap. I figure since he is a dad, it would be better for him to deal with something he was used to. Also, the fisherman does not let the genie go, but slavery is bad so I made that change.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Reading Notes- Arabian Nights B

Arabian Nights

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp

Aladdin was an idle boy who just liked to play. His uncle found him in the streets and they welcomed him home. He was a magician. The uncle took him on a walk and kidnapped him. He made him go into a cave. Aladdin took too long and the magician left him inside of the cave. He stayed in there for 2 days until he rubbed the ring while praying, releasing the genie inside of it. 


The genie brought him outside of the place. He still had the lamp and rubbed it to clean it so he could sell it for food. A genie came out of it and they got food. He would sell the silver plates to eat. One day the princess was outgoing to the bath and Aladdin got a peep. He fell in love. His mom brought the bejeweled fruit and begged him to consider her son. But the SUltan thought they were being cheap so he said to wait three months. The sultan promised the princess to the son of the grand-vizir but the princess hated that idea so much when Aladdin showed up she went with her. 


Aladdin had also tormented the grand-vizir's son. He wanted to be separated from her. After 3 months, Aladdin sent back his mom and he said Aladdin must send 40 basins of gold jewels, carried by slaves, led by more all dressed nice. He sent his request and the sultan welcomed him. While they were meeting, the genie was building them a palace. Aladdin also became a general and won many battles for the sultan. 
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Palace in the Far East


The magician who left Aladdin decided to check on him realized that he was thriving. The princess, while Aladdin was gone, exchanged the old lamp to the magician. She didn't know the value. The palace and the princess disappeared so the sultan wanted him killed. Without one of the genies, Aladdin had to find all his stuff. 


Aladdin went to Africa and found his Wife and Palace. The magician carried the lamp with him always. They decided to deceive the magician. She put stuff in his drink and he fell back lifeless.


Aladdin got back the lamp and they returned. But since they killed the magician, his brother wanted to avenge it. He pretended to be a holy woman, Fatima. The princess decided to keep her close, and the fake holy woman tried to get her to remodel part of their palace. Aladin listened to bc happy wife happy life but the genie said he was stupid and enlightened him. Aladdin killed the brother and they lived happily for years and he replaced the sultan when he died. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Reading- Arabian Nights

Arabian Nights


The Sultan Schahrair had a wife who he loved so much. He spoiled her. He found out eventually that she deceived her and he had to put her to death. It was really hard on him so he decided every woman was terrible. He married a woman every night and killed them that night. The grand-vizir's daughter wanted to stop it so she decided to marry the sultan. She brought her sister the last night she was supposed to be alive. 

The Story of the Merchant and the Genius 

Scheherazade tells a story to the sultan so she can stay alive and it is granted to him. The story is of a Merchant expecting to be killed at the hands of a merchant like her own situation. 

The Story of the First Old Man and of the Hind

She introduced the Hind and the Deer. They tell their own story to the genie.  The merchant's life depends on whether the genie likes the story or not. 
The hind is the man's wife. She didn't like the man's kid or mom. When he left she changed his kid into a cow. The wife wanted to sacrifice the cow/kid. A young woman saved his son and turned his wife into the deer. 

The Story of the Second Old Man and of the Two Black Dogs

The genie was amazed with the story and granted a 1/3 pardon. Then she tells a story of a man with two dogs hoping to save her own life. This man's brothers kept selling their shops and traveling a ndgoing broke. He eventually went with them. He found a wife and did well. They got jealous and threw them into the sea but they survived. His fairy wife decided to kill his brothers. HE begged her not to so he turned them into dogs. 

The Story of the Fisherman

The fisherman demands a story from a genie. He started talking and he shut the lid back down on it, saving himself. 
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Genie- Disney
The Story of the Greek King and the Physician Douban

The fisherman is dad fashion tells a story to teach the genie about trust. It was about a greek king who was a leper. A doctor claimed to be able to fix him. His fix of polo worked. But his grand-vizir didn't like him getting close with someone new so he tried to cause tension by saying the physician wanted to kill the king.
The Story of the Physician's Revenge 

The king sent for the physician and the physician said if he was spared then the king would live. He allowed the physician to get his stuff in order before he died.  The head kept talking after it was cut off and the king flipped through an empty book, getting poisoned for killing an innocent man.
The Story of the Story of the Sultan and the Fish 

The genie showed him where to throw his net. He then was told to sell it to the Sultan. He would only cast his net once a day,  He met a man made of black marble. 
The Story of the Young King of the Black Isles

His wife no longer loved him. She turned the people into fish. Once a day she comes back and whips the king. The sultan killed the slave who was barely alive and took his spot. The sultan tricked her into turning everyone back. When the sultan got back, he reward the fisherman and his family. 

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Storybook plan


I am going through Dante using my favorite scenes in Virgil's sassy personality. I can't wait for him to interact with Satan, Cassius, and Brutus because their lives overlapped and they knew each other. I want get across the idea that Virgil wants more from life, still. His names are being said but he wished he wrote more.

Dante will stay have the same goal just more banter, with Dante. I will most definitely do them meeting and then Satan, when they meet, and when they meet important Romans.

Comment Wall

Virgil's Inferno

Image result for virgil

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Week 3: The Sirens

The Sirens

The sea went dead. The once constant wind, which had pushed the sailors across the ocean was gone in a blink of an eye. They were hundreds of miles from shore in the middle of the Indian Ocean. They thought the hardest part of their journey to India was over, after surviving the most dangerous part of their trip around the Cape of South Africa where the sea is tumultuous and unpredictable. However, this was a terrible sign. 

The oldest sailor, usually reserved, began shouting panicked orders to the others. He ran to the bottom of the ship, leaving the younger sailors confused. He resurfaced, panting with a jar of wax and the strongest ropes the ship brought. Confused, the first mate tried to establish authority and settle the situation when he said, "Hey, there is no need for those ropes, and why would we ever need wax." 

The oldest sailor ignored him and began to inform the crew of the actual danger they were in. He told the story of the siren: "We are in the territory of the Sirens" He told, "They are women beautiful with songs so sweet but intentions so evil. We must plug our ears and protect ourselves."

The sailors, scared, plugged their ears with the wax and tied the old sailor to the mast so he could tell them when they were out of earshot of their song. Soon their song began, and the old man begged to be set free, but the sailors refused to cut him free, and tied him tighter, as he tried to wiggle free. 

For hours they struggled, oaring with no wind, through the siren's song, until the old man stopped begging, and they were free. The wind returned, and they continued their journey to India, without casualty, this time. 

Author's Note: 

This story is based on the part in the Odyssey when the group encounters the Siren. I completely redid it because it is a very short part. I based it further in history during the Spice Trade of some merchants and sailors in the Indian Ocean encountering the Sirens. I did this just to be a little different and to have a little fun. Instead of Odysseus knowing what was going on, I had an old man because he had experience. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Reading Notes: Odyssey B


Ghosts of Erebus 

The dragged the vessel on shore and loaded up the sheep. Circe sent wind. When they got to the right island they made the sacrifice/altar of milk and honey, wine, water, barley, and prayer. Then killed a sheep on the altar. The ghosts swarme out of Erebus. He kept the ghosts away until Teiresias came. 

The Ghosts of Elpenor and Teiresias 

He had not yet been buried, he was so freshly dead. He told him next he would go to Hades House. As he left, he saw his mom, learning that she was dead. ThebanTeiresias gave him a prophecy that he would have a hard and bitter journey home. He would shipwreck and men would court his wife. No matter what he could not miss another traveler telling him to carry a winnowing-fan on his shoulder. 

The Spirit of Anticleia 

His mom approached and drank the blood. She was concerned with why he was there. He explained the situation and that he was trying to get home. He also kept asking about his wife. She assured him about her loyalty. He was sad he couldn't hug his mom

The Ghosts of Famous Women 

He questioned every person sent. Tyro fell in love with the god of the RIver Enipeus. She had two sons by him. Antiope said she slept with Zeus herself. Her sons founded the 7-gated Thebes. Alcmene conceived Heracles. Megara married the son of Amphitryon. Oedipus's mom came. Chloris. Leda bore twins alive and dead switching.  Iphimedeia claimed she slept with Poseidon. 

The Ghost of Agamemnon 

He came after the female spirits. He said Aegisthus, his wife, engineered his fate. He and all his companions died, tricked. They complain about Helen and Clytemnestra. He warned him about his wife because they were newlyweds when he left. 

The Spirit of Achilles

Achilles wanted to know about his son. He was sad that he died and wished he had chosen the other option of his prophecy. He told him about Neoptolemus and his greatness. 

The Ghost of Ajax 

Ajax was still upset that he won the contest of ships. He told him to control his ego. They saw all these people tortured by the gods, so they left and continued. 
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Ajax-- Present

The Sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis

He caught everyone up on the gossip. Then the wind stopped. They knew that this meant trouble and plugged their ears to protect themselves from the sirens. They kept going through it and untied him once they were free from the song. Then they saw the spray. They hugged the cliff, hoping for the best. He armed himself, even though, Circe told him not to. Scylla grabbed 6 men off of the deck and ate them. 

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Feedback Strategies

Feedback Strategies

Try Feedforward Instead of Feedback

Traditionally feedback has been communicated in a downward style. Manager- employee, However, it is helpful from the other direction. Upward feedback has become increasingly common. Also, feedback focuses on the past and not the opportunities that can happen in the future. It's important not to do this because we can't change the past but we can future. People also take it less personally and learn more from it. We hate getting negative feedback. If it is more positive than negative we will listen to it better. 
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To Feedforward

Be a Mirror

Mindsets are malleable and we shape them with the feedback we offer. If you focus your feedback like a mirror without judgment, it is the most effective. You have to be specific. Then focus on their intention and focus on the process. You also have to make sure it can transfer to other situations. Finally, you cant put yourself in the situation. The personal pronouns are great for adults but kids don't like them. 

Topic Research: Dante's Inferno

Dante's Inferno

- Virgil's perspective 
Virgil is Dante's guide through his experience, Dante is having a mid-life crisis and can't decide where to place people in hell (other versions). That has to get annoying. Also, from semesters of translating Virgil's works. I find him intelligent but inflated with himself. He might be a fun character to play with. His witt would make a great dialogue. 
-All Roman version
Dante mixes Greek and Roman stories to create his inferno. I could nix the greek characters, and add more Roman characters from the hundreds of years the empire spanned, reminiscing of the good old days. I would even like to experiemnet with a little bit of rivalry with the three-time periods of Rome. I do not believe the Romans in hell would be very repentant, so that would be a fun storyline to write. 
-Satan/deepest part of Hell
The character of Satan in Dante's works deserves more. He writes so little about him; he is scary. He is the last thing Dante sees. Also, he places Brutus and Cassius with Satan but is unsure about Caesar's place (Other works). He is very sure about the place of the planners of Caesar's demise but Caesar is not a good guy. I hate his Latin and also, he killed so many Gauls for self-glory. He only did good things for the plebians because he wanted political power. I havent even mentioned that he destroyed the Roman Republic. Caesar belongs there. I should put him there. He is Satan. 
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Gaius Cassius

Friday, September 6, 2019

Extra credit reading: Homer's Odyssey

Homer's Odyssey

The land of the cyclopes

The cyclops just kill people and the gods give them their food. They had money. Dawn appeared exploring with the nymphs. They feasted and saw smoke towards the land at the land of the cyclops. Over a cliff, there is a giant sleeping. 

Prisoners of the cyclops

12 men went forward to the priest of apollo, Euanthes. He offered him gifts. They got ready for the giant. The giant was grazing with his sheep and chores. When they met the giant he wanted to know where their ship was and why they were stopped there. He grabbed some of the crew and killed them and trapped them in the cave.
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Cyclops toy

The Cyclops Defeated 

They split an olive into a 6-foot length and gave it to everyone to put it into the cyclops eye. They offered him some wine. He got drunk and they told him his name, Nobody. He then started puking. They heated the stake by shoving it into hot coals and then twisted it into the giant's eyes. He yelled for help and prayed to his dad Poseidon. 

Escape from the Cyclops 

They escaped by hiding under the sheep- 1 man to every 3 sheep. The giant still in pain let the sheep leave. They jumped in the boat and escaped. He spoke of a prophecy that told him it would happen. 

The Curse of Polyphemus 

He also told him that he would never reach his home, and if he did it would be without his comrades and his house would be in trouble. They got to the rest of the ships. They sacrifice gifts to Zeus hoping the prophecy would not come true. Then they started island hopping. 

Circe's Magic 

Circe had a house of polished stone and lions who acted like dogs. She gave them wine that was drugged so they would forget their homes. Eurylochus stayed behind and did not get drugged. Hermes of the Golden Wand told him exactly what was going on and how to defeat her. 

The Moly Defeats Circe 

The slayer of Argus pulled the herb Moly from the ground and gave it the men to use. He went and visited Circe but did not feel the enchantment because of the moly. She made him go to bed with her. 

On Circe's Island 

She let him go after he proved he was special. To get his men back he had to seek the house of hades and consult the ghost of the blind Theban ser, Teiresias.  But they have a black ship so they were scared. 

The Death of Elpenor

They were given directions. He could not get his men away unscathed. The youngest man, not very wise died. They headed towards the underworld. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Reading B: Jewish Fairy Tales

Jewish Fairy Tales

The Sleep of One Hundred Years

At the time of the destruction of the first temple, everyone was suffering. Rabbi Onias mounted on a camel and was making his way toward the city. He was starving but he was saving water and dates in case he found someone who needed more than him. When he finally got to the city, it was destroyed. He wept until he fell asleep, and he slept for 100 years. 
When he woke up he found himself surrounded by dates and his beard white and camel dead. The water and dates were still fresh though- so Jerusalem was still alive. He started looking for his family but he only found his grandson. He took his dates and water back to where had slept and slept again but never woke up. 
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A Beauty Queen Camel

King for Three Days

Godfrey de Bouillon was a famous warrior who was a part of the first crusade. He hated the jews and wanted to exterminate them. He and his man massacred large numbers of jews. Rashi one of the wisest sages came to Godfrey and he demanded a blessing. However, Rashi refused. Rashi told him that he would rule as its king for three days and return with very few men. His prediction came true with a stone killing a man and horse right before they got home. 

The Higgledy-Piggledy Palace

Sarah the great mother of the Jewish people and wif of abraham was the most beautiful woman who ever lived. She gathered crowds in Eygpts where they had fled too. He contained his wife in a box to stop this and told the customs officials it contained barley. But they were curious and opened the box and sent her to the pharaoh. Sarah didn't want to upset him so she told him that Abraham was her brother.  The Pharaoh gave a ton of gold and jewels to Abraham for Sarah. She didnt like him but he wanted to get with her. Abraham was praying so she was not scared. When he went after her something struck her and beat him whenever he tried to touch her. The spirits kept tormenting him and gave him leprosy. Abraham cured him and took back his wife and warned him of endangering his descendants.

The Rabbi's Bogey-Man

The rabbi lion of prague was upset that he did not have a servant to tend his fire. People were not scared of him, he was smart but his experiments in chemistry were a little scary, so no one would work for him. So he made a mechanical woman to tend his fire during the sabbath. It was controlled by his thoughts and he had to remove the name from her mouth so she didn't cause issues at night.  
One night she was playing with the children and made them a fire but made it so big it caught a house. The king was confused after this incident and asked how it happened. The rabbi explained the sacred name to him. The kids called him the bogey man and he started to speak, wanting to work for the king as a soldier. One day he was trying to get into the synagogue so he wouldn't have any power over him and then he was destroyed. 

The Fairy Frog

Hanina was called to his dying parents and told only to grieve for 7 days, then go to Passover festival and buy the first thing offered. This would bring great fortune. After his parents died he did exactly that. He bought a silver casket with a curious design for a 1000 gold pieces. Inside was another casket and inside that was a frog who was hungry. The frog grew to be as large as a man and then granted wishes. He gave them food and taught Hanina the lore of men. When it was time for the frog to repay them they went to the forest and all the animals brought the jewels. 
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Fairy Frog

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Reading Part A: Jewish Fairy Tales

Jewish Fairy Tale 

The Beggar King

-King Hagag sat on his throne, a high priest on his side, and read from the Torah. The priest read "For riches are not for ever: and doth the crown endure to every generation?" this made this king very upset this upset the king and he threw out the pages and declared all the pages that upset him should be thrown out. He left for a hunt and went after a deer. The deer lured him into a thicket and turned into a genie. The genie stole the king's clothes. The king was left without his men and his clothes. A woodcutter gave him rags to wear in return for work. He made his way to the castle but the guards did not believe him. Everyone would give him money and children would make fun of him. The genie acting as the king decided to give a feast. He came in very regretful of his past life and was forgiven. He was given back his royal robes and he was the wisest, sympathetic, and kind king ever. \

The Quarrel of the Cat and the Dog

Adam named all the animals and the cat and dog started out as bffs. However, winter came and food became scarce and they separated so they could find food. The cat went tot he house of adam and got fat. The dog had a hard time and went from anima to animal trying to find his place. He did this until he found Adam and saved him from thieves. This broke the oath of the cat and the dog but Adam made him stay. They will never be friends.

The water-babe

Princess Bathia the daughter of the pharaoh found a child floating in the Nile. She named him Moses. Everyone loved him but ministers and magicians. They were suspicious of him so they tried him. However, he grabbed the coals so he was innocent. He was only three and didn't know what he was doing. 
When he grew up he married the daughter of Reuel and found the magic staff. 
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Another Story of Moses

Shepard Boy- to king

A shepherd boy was alone was startled by an angel's voice. He thought he was on a magical mountain so he stayed there.  Then he realized it was a unicorn. He got off and faced a lion. A deer saved him

The magic palace

Ibrahim was the most learned man but he did not talk about his suffering. His family was hungry,. He had 5 kids he was not feeding his kids, he was just reading the Torah. He got a new cloak and went out. A man approached him and claimed to be his slave. He was a great builder. A jeweler offered him a ton of money for a palace. The slave built it. Turns out it was Elijah the prophet. 

Monday, September 2, 2019

Feedback Thoughts

Feedback Thoughts

Why rejection hurts so much- and what to do about it

- the common emotional wound we sustain every day
-it is more common with electronic communications. whether it is large or small, it is constant. 
-the way we experience rejection is the same way as we experience pain
-the key is knowing how to limit the damage rejection inflicts
Get to work!

Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt in Creative Work

-self-doubt is a natural stage. A part of doing something really difficult that you care deeply about. 
1. Don't compare yourself to others- lose sight of the community
2. Abandon perfectionism
3. Be vulnerable to a trusted community
4. Embrace a growth midset
5. Set goals that are within your control
6. treat your work as an experiment- if it doesn't work its not a failure
7. trust yourself
- a part of growing to comfortability

Topic Brainstorm

Topic Ideas

Dante's Inferno

- Dante is making his way through hell, purgatory, and paradise. He encounters his Italian contemporaries, ancient history, and his guide Virgil. It is founded on Christain Theology and Greco-roman culture. 
- Where does Caesar belong? 
- Brutus lowest level of hell+

The Sexton's Nose

-when sweeping in the church, he bought some roasted peas but did not eat the last pea. He gave it to the mistress of the bakery but the chicken ate it. He demanded either the chicken or the roast pea. 
-They gave them the chicken and he gave it to the miller's wife but their pig killed the chicken. 
-he demanded the pig but then they killed the pig for the daughter's wedding so he demanded the daughter and put her in a bag. 
-he wanted to throw the girl in the sea, but she had been replaced with a dog who bit his nose. He needed bread and tried to get it. And everyone needed something from him just like how he was until he went to the wagon maker.

Robin Hood

-a young man with a terrible temper. he kills 14 of the king's foresters but leaves one alive so he can tell the tale. 
-He often disguises himself. 
-Maid Marian
-all in rhyme will be hard
Image result for robin hood
Robin Hood and Maid Marian

The Giant of the Flood

- Noah wanted a unicorn and the giant og wanted to bring him one but Noah refused to save him from the flood. The giant was shrinking and scared. The giant gave him a unicorn but Noah kept him out of the boat. The giant threatened to sink the boat. 
- Noah let him eat some of the animals as a result. So, the phoenix and others were eaten, but Og had to be a servant to all his descendants. He learned about the grapes and sacrificed a monkey so now people get silly when drinking wine. 
-he was not killed until Moses killed him when he tried to break free

Review Week 14

Review This is my last post!! I have 2 more points! WOO My favorite picture from the announcements I really like this picture beca...