Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Week Five Reading

Ancient Eygpt 


In the beginning, there was a world of wastewater named Nu. He first was born as an egg. He created other gods-- first was Shu the wind god. Then he made Seb the earth god and the Nut the goddess of Firmament. This couple became the parents of Osiris, Iris, Set, and Nepthys. Ra initiated creation. Ra made himself king.
The Secret Name of Ra

Ra had a secret name where all his power was stored. Isis lived among men and wanted to live with the Gods/ SHe wanted to know Ra's secret name so she could escape. Ra grew old. Ra made a snake out of his spit and set the snake in his path. The serpent stung him. He knew he was going to die so he gathered his kids. Isis came and she asked for his secret name. He told her that he is Khepera at dawn, Ra at high noon, and Tum at dust. SH wants to know his actual name so he said that is what he intended. She found what it was and removed the venom from his body.
Ra and Hathor

People were talking bad about Ra, so he assembled the Gods. He called his dad Nu over. He was very angry about it. Hathor asked for more. Nu and Shu gave Ra more power so they could control man, 
The Sun's Journey

Ra made everyone seek forgiveness. Shu and Nu returned to the heavens. Ra then made Thoth with his words. When he Tum, he is weak because it is night. He goes into the underworld at this time. He is reborn at the 12th hour. At dawn, Nu pulls him out of the dawn. 
Image result for isis god

Osiris brought in a new age with good laws. He taught them how to worship. He would travel between heavens and earth. When he was gone Isis reigned over the earth. She was stronger than set so he tried to take over her. 
The Death of Osiris

Osiris came back and set was ready to take over. Set attacked him when they were celebrating. He ended the days of Osiris. He then took over as king. Isis escaped to a poor woman's house.
The Journey of Isis

Isis gave birth to her son Horus. Set found out where they were. A scorpion bit Horus and he died. Thoth came down to help and brought him back t life. They found out where the coffin of Osiris was. Iris was a bad mom. She hid the coffin of Osiris but it was swallowed by a fish. She had to find all of the pieces. 
King of the Dead

Set persecuted followers of Osiris and Iris. There were wars about it. Thoth came down to restore the peace and healed Horus and Set. 
The Wax Crocodile

A pharaoh went to the temple of God Ptah. A handsome youth followed him.  A crocodile appeared to him and carried the young man to the Pharaoh.  Then it was revealed that it was wax. So he killed the wife of the scribe. 
The Green Jewel

The king wanted entertainment. So they brought virgins and the king got excited. The girls were roaring and a green jewel fell into the water.  The chief scribe muttered a spell and found the jewel. The chief scribe was rewarded for it. 

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