Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Reading- Arabian Nights

Arabian Nights


The Sultan Schahrair had a wife who he loved so much. He spoiled her. He found out eventually that she deceived her and he had to put her to death. It was really hard on him so he decided every woman was terrible. He married a woman every night and killed them that night. The grand-vizir's daughter wanted to stop it so she decided to marry the sultan. She brought her sister the last night she was supposed to be alive. 

The Story of the Merchant and the Genius 

Scheherazade tells a story to the sultan so she can stay alive and it is granted to him. The story is of a Merchant expecting to be killed at the hands of a merchant like her own situation. 

The Story of the First Old Man and of the Hind

She introduced the Hind and the Deer. They tell their own story to the genie.  The merchant's life depends on whether the genie likes the story or not. 
The hind is the man's wife. She didn't like the man's kid or mom. When he left she changed his kid into a cow. The wife wanted to sacrifice the cow/kid. A young woman saved his son and turned his wife into the deer. 

The Story of the Second Old Man and of the Two Black Dogs

The genie was amazed with the story and granted a 1/3 pardon. Then she tells a story of a man with two dogs hoping to save her own life. This man's brothers kept selling their shops and traveling a ndgoing broke. He eventually went with them. He found a wife and did well. They got jealous and threw them into the sea but they survived. His fairy wife decided to kill his brothers. HE begged her not to so he turned them into dogs. 

The Story of the Fisherman

The fisherman demands a story from a genie. He started talking and he shut the lid back down on it, saving himself. 
Image result for genie
Genie- Disney
The Story of the Greek King and the Physician Douban

The fisherman is dad fashion tells a story to teach the genie about trust. It was about a greek king who was a leper. A doctor claimed to be able to fix him. His fix of polo worked. But his grand-vizir didn't like him getting close with someone new so he tried to cause tension by saying the physician wanted to kill the king.
The Story of the Physician's Revenge 

The king sent for the physician and the physician said if he was spared then the king would live. He allowed the physician to get his stuff in order before he died.  The head kept talking after it was cut off and the king flipped through an empty book, getting poisoned for killing an innocent man.
The Story of the Story of the Sultan and the Fish 

The genie showed him where to throw his net. He then was told to sell it to the Sultan. He would only cast his net once a day,  He met a man made of black marble. 
The Story of the Young King of the Black Isles

His wife no longer loved him. She turned the people into fish. Once a day she comes back and whips the king. The sultan killed the slave who was barely alive and took his spot. The sultan tricked her into turning everyone back. When the sultan got back, he reward the fisherman and his family. 

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