Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Reading Notes: Odyssey B


Ghosts of Erebus 

The dragged the vessel on shore and loaded up the sheep. Circe sent wind. When they got to the right island they made the sacrifice/altar of milk and honey, wine, water, barley, and prayer. Then killed a sheep on the altar. The ghosts swarme out of Erebus. He kept the ghosts away until Teiresias came. 

The Ghosts of Elpenor and Teiresias 

He had not yet been buried, he was so freshly dead. He told him next he would go to Hades House. As he left, he saw his mom, learning that she was dead. ThebanTeiresias gave him a prophecy that he would have a hard and bitter journey home. He would shipwreck and men would court his wife. No matter what he could not miss another traveler telling him to carry a winnowing-fan on his shoulder. 

The Spirit of Anticleia 

His mom approached and drank the blood. She was concerned with why he was there. He explained the situation and that he was trying to get home. He also kept asking about his wife. She assured him about her loyalty. He was sad he couldn't hug his mom

The Ghosts of Famous Women 

He questioned every person sent. Tyro fell in love with the god of the RIver Enipeus. She had two sons by him. Antiope said she slept with Zeus herself. Her sons founded the 7-gated Thebes. Alcmene conceived Heracles. Megara married the son of Amphitryon. Oedipus's mom came. Chloris. Leda bore twins alive and dead switching.  Iphimedeia claimed she slept with Poseidon. 

The Ghost of Agamemnon 

He came after the female spirits. He said Aegisthus, his wife, engineered his fate. He and all his companions died, tricked. They complain about Helen and Clytemnestra. He warned him about his wife because they were newlyweds when he left. 

The Spirit of Achilles

Achilles wanted to know about his son. He was sad that he died and wished he had chosen the other option of his prophecy. He told him about Neoptolemus and his greatness. 

The Ghost of Ajax 

Ajax was still upset that he won the contest of ships. He told him to control his ego. They saw all these people tortured by the gods, so they left and continued. 
Image result for ajax soap
Ajax-- Present

The Sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis

He caught everyone up on the gossip. Then the wind stopped. They knew that this meant trouble and plugged their ears to protect themselves from the sirens. They kept going through it and untied him once they were free from the song. Then they saw the spray. They hugged the cliff, hoping for the best. He armed himself, even though, Circe told him not to. Scylla grabbed 6 men off of the deck and ate them. 

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