Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Reading A Week 9

Chinese Fairy Tales

the princes' daughter had no luck finding a husband. She decided to choose her husband by throwing a ball of red silk to have them decide. A beggar but a lucky one caught it. His father hated it so much. They married and the beggar left to find his fortune for 18 years. He became an emperor and they lived happily until she died 18 days later.
The Cave of the Beasts
A father had 7 daughters and found 7 ducks eggs. He wanted to eat them with his wife not his kids. His wife gave one to the oldest, then so on to all the children. He planned to drive the children off to the woods and abandon them to the wolves. The two girls got left behind under the guise they were going to their grandmother's house and found a cave of a fox and a wolf full of jewels when their dad didn't come back. The animals didn't notice the girls and the girls woke up and put them in the kettles. Their dad found them and they brought the treasures home. 
The Panther
A widow had three kids. The widow went to see her mom. A panther tried to get her to stop along the way. He got her to stop and ate her. He then ate her son. The daughters at home he went to get next. They tried not to let it in but it tricked them. Once it came in they knew it wasn't their mother. The panther gave them their little brother's finger so they escaped. They the panther to reveal itself then a needle seller, a scorpion catcher, an egg seller, and a turtle dealer to give them things to fight the panther. They ended him.
Why Dog and Cat are Enemies
A family sold a lucky ring and started to grow poorer. They had dog and a cat who tried to figure out to get their owners back to fortune. They worked together to get the ring back. The cat took the credit and the dog got in trouble for not helping. Since then they have been enemies. 
Image result for a dog and cat
The dog and cat at the beginning of the story
The second daughter of the ruler of heaven became the wife of Yang. She had a baby with him and her dad upset banished her. Her son tried to save his mother but she died. He started crushing suns in response. But he left one. 
The Lady of the Moon
Prince Hou I shot down nine suns for the people. He got the herb of immortality and his wife ate some and became the lady of the moon. She brought him up there when it was a full moon. 
The Girl with the Horse’s Head or the Silkworm Goddess
AN old man went on a journey and left his family at home. The daughter missed her dad so she told the horse that if he brought her dad back she would marry it. It brought her dad back and he found out so he killed the horse. She got mad at the horse then the hide wrapped itself around her in a cocoon. In heaven, she was given the task of watching over silkworms. 
The God of War
His name was really Quan YU. At the rebellion of the yellow turbans, he made a pact of friendship. He was virtuous. He went to help the emperor but was taken captive by Tsau Tsau. He would not join their side so he was killed. His horse and human followers refused to eat after he died and died.  He became a god ad each dynasty saw him differently. 
The Miserly Farmer
The farmer wanted to sell his pears and tried to cart them to the market. The bonze would not move till he got a pear. It upset the farmer until he gave in. He planted the seed afterward and it immediately began to sprout. Everyone watch the tree sprout and returned back to see his cart gone. 
The King of the Ants
A scholar rented a supposedly haunted house. One night a bunch of knights came into his room after a hunt. The serving-men came in with kitchenware.  All the invaders were very small. Their king tried to get him to join them. So the scholar smoked them out.

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