Friday, August 23, 2019

Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset

I took Indian Epics last year, so I was introduced to Carol Dweck then. However, I don't remember many specifics so I thoroughly refreshed myself. She has decent ideas but Alfie Kohn's critiques are very important. So much of school is memorizing facts and cramming them into short term memory, instead of trying to improve ourselves with education. Also, we focus heavily on the result on the performance that student's self-worth relies upon it and that does not prepare them or help them in any which way. 

While here at OU, I took four semesters Latin, and it was my hardest class because it goes twice the speed of other languages. The speed and complexity I had to handle in such short amounts of time, made me lose my enjoyment of the language for a short while. However, when I got to the "harder" semesters the curriculum slowed down and I could appreciate the language, I finally started to enjoy it because I wasn't just worried about memorizing so many concepts at once. 

A Cute Growth Mindset Cat

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