Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Week 10 Story- Pacific Northwest Native Stories

Pacific Northwest

How Silver-Fox Created the World

There was only water. Silver-fox wanted to make things. Coyote did not. He made islands when coyote was gone and then he got stuck on the earth. Silver-fox made the islands slowly bigger so he had more more room. He made other animals and trees so he wasn’t lonely. He also made the year 4 moons.

Three Coyote Stories

The silver-fox and the coyote lived together. They gave the shavings of the strive berry sticks away. They turned into people.

How Coyote Got his Cunning

They made fishes, then animals, then man. So the coyote became the meanest because he got the smallest bow. The Charley’s decided he would be the most clever instead. 
How the Coyote was killed
The coyote tried to follow the star. One day he jumped on. Then he got really cold and slipped to the earth. 

How Kemush created the world
Kemush was the old man of the ancients. He made the earth from the ashes of the northern lights. He had his daughter help him. 
He tried to use the lynxes as a robe. It got stolen from him by an antelope. 
How old man above created the world
The world was flat. So he made a hole in the sky. He planted trees. He made animals. 
How Beaver stole Fire
There were no people. There was a cold winter.There was a council about it and the beaver did go. The pine trees had fire. The beaver hid the fire and took it.Cedar helped.
How dog stole fire
Pine marten stole the two wives. He brought rain which killed hawk-man. But, fires had been put out. The dog had fire still and put out the people who mad it rain. Then he gave it back.
The story of Ashish. 
The gambled. They lost everything. He dressed as Kemush and gambled again. Ashish’s wives looked for him and they stopped gambling because they missed him. He gave explanations of why he was at the top if the tree when he was found. 
Chinook Wind
There were five brothers. They would always argue. Their fights mad the area hard to live in. The wrestled and whoever fell off got their head cut off. Their grandparents put oil and ice so the chinook brothers fell. His son grew up and wanted revenge. He killed 4 of them then made a pack with he last walla walla brother that winters would only be a little cold. 
The first totem pole
wakiash never had a dance. He thought about it and ended up on the raven’s back to a gathering of animals. He wanted the totem pole. They called it the pole that holds up the sky. 
Three raven stories
There was no light. The world was a box and the gull could open the box. The raven got him to open a box. 
Wood rat and rabbits
The rat wanted to fight. The woodrat kept fight with everyone until he and his mother were burned to death. 
Why there are no snakes on Takhoma
The medicine man shot an arrow into a cloud, making a chain to the cloud. A bunch of bad animals followed him up including snakes so he broke the arrow chain and they fell to earth. All the good animals 

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